45-Minute Colonic Hydrotherapy ($59) Plus FreezeMe Slim Wrap ($99) at DETOXologie

45-Minute Colonic Hydrotherapy ($59) Plus FreezeMe Slim Wrap ($99) at DETOXologie
$59 for a colonic hydrotherapy treatment
  • 45-minute treatment
  • Electrolytes drink or herbal tea
  • Post-treatment care information package
$99 for a colonic hydrotherapy treatment with FreezeMe slim wrap


  • Cleanse the body’s systems naturally with colon hydrotherapy
  • Can help relieve bloating, fatigue and abdominal discomfort
  • Designed to improve bowel function and constipation
  • Bondi Junction location
What is colonic hydrotherapy? Colonic hydrotherapy flushes the system of unwanted matter using warm filtered water. A small sterile tube delivers the water into the intestine, which then attempts to coax waste products out of the body. What do sessions involve? Clients will fill out a health questionnaire before being shown into a private room. They will undress from the waist down and wear a towel to protect their modesty at all times. How can people prepare beforehand? Before the session, clients should eat lightly including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and drink around eight glasses of water a day. They should also avoid coffee and alcohol, as well as fizzy, sugary drinks.