Baccarat iD3 Knife Sharpener with 3 Steps only $39.99 (RRP $49.99)

Baccarat iD3 Knife Sharpener with 3 Steps only $39.99 (RRP $49.99)
Inspired by the Baccarat iD3 range of high performance knives, this knife sharpener gives knives a professional razor sharp edge. It is extremely easy to use with three steps that prepare, sharpen and polish the knife?s blade. Step 1 uses a diamond abrasive edge that sculpts the knife blade, ensuring it is smooth and free from burrs. Step 2 is a tungsten steel blade for sharpening and honing the dull edge of the blade. Step 3 is a ceramic edge that finishes off the process by polishing the blade. The Baccarat iD3 Knife Sharpener has an ergonomic handle that you use to grip the tool and non-slip grips prevent it from slipping. All you have to do is place the knife sharpener on a stable surface and pull the knife 3 times across each step. The steps are even labelled for easy identification. Then you simply clean the knife to remove any metal fragments and it is good to use!