Marlborough Park Moscato 2013 (12 Bottles) $79.00 ($6.58 A BOTTLE – WAS $15.00)

Marlborough Park Moscato 2013 (12 Bottles) $79.00 ($6.58 A BOTTLE – WAS $15.00)

Not Your Uni-Era Moscato!

This is far from the syrupy-sweet Moscato of your Uni days! Fresh from the crisp, cool air of the Adelaide Hills, this beauty has a palate of zippy citrus contrasted with delicate sugar and a hint of fresh Turkish Delight flavour that makes for some serious easy drinking.

The Bottom Line

  • Delicate and zippy - a beautiful evening sipper!
  • Pair with prawn dishes, spicy Asian cuisine, or tandoori flavours
  • Drink fresh!
From the WineMaker: "We enjoy making Moscato with pristine Gewurzt Traminer Riesling, ripe with Muscat and Turkish Delight. The fruit was harvested and gently pressed before undergoing a cool fermentation. Specific yeast strains were used to enhance the Muscat varietal fruit flavours."