Mobile Massages Within Melbourne Metro North Area $29 VALUED AT $95 SAVE 69% OFF

Mobile Massages Within Melbourne Metro North Area $29 VALUED AT $95 SAVE 69% OFF
Release your rigid muscles and de-stress without even having to leave your home thanks to this offer from the massage professionals at KDM Massage. Your massage therapist will bring soothing oils and a massage table with them for you to stretch out on, so all that's left for you to do is decide which blissful style you'd like!

What's Included

  • 60-minute massage
  • Or upgrade for a 90-minute massage
  • Choose your style: Remedial, relaxation, pregnancy, womb and fertility massage, dry needling and cupping
  • Valid for one person
  • Mobile service within North Melbourne metro area
  • Available hours: Monday - Wednesday & Friday 9:30am-6:00pm, and alternate Saturdays from 22 May

KDM Massage

KDM Massage & Wellness Centre provide massage services to homes within the Nilumbik and surrounding areas. The team of highly trained massage therapists make achieving your wellness goals super convenient, bringing everything you need for your 'me-time' session directly to you!