SALE | Endura Rehydration Performance Fuel 2kg (Pineapple) $63.00 (RRP $89.99)

SALE | Endura Rehydration Performance Fuel 2kg (Pineapple) $63.00 (RRP $89.99)
Endura Rehydration Performance Fuel has been designed to maximise performance and endurance in athletes. With recommended nutrition levels by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), the performance fuel contains the recommended levels of sodium and potassium for maximised rehydration during performance. It replaces lost electrolytes that are a result of strenuous exercise and assists in improved performance, endurance and stamina. Pineapple Rehydration Performance Fuel is also available as an 800g Package


  • Replaces electrolytes lost in sweat.
  • Improves endurance and stamina.
  • Enhances endurance performance.
  • Provides carbohydrates for energy.
  • Provides sodium and potassium at levels recommended for athletes in endurance events.
  • Helps prevent muscular cramps and spasms.
  • Carbohydrates for Energy