Give it a spin & let the roulette wheel determine your fate!
Perfect for 'adults only' game nights & parties!
Shot Glass Roulette is a fun and simple drinking game where you let the golden wheel determine your fate and sobriety. Don't worry, this is a traditional french roulette, not Russian, so the only shots are alcoholic!
Features:Makers & Mavericks Shiraz 2019 x12 $120.00 + DELIVERY Save $101.88 PER CASE
Look What We Got Our Hands On $60 Shiraz For….. $500+ Saving & Fɾee Delivery.
Byron & Harold Wheelabout Hillstead Chardonnay 2018 x12 $215.88 (Save $120.12 PER CASE)
The Perfect Choice Shiraz Mixed $75.00 for 12 bottles (Save $224)
Mixed Favourites x12 $110.00 + DELIVERY Save $97.97 PER CASE