Virtual Reality Gaming Experience

Virtual Reality Gaming Experience
One-Hour Virtual Reality Gaming Experience - $19 for One Person, $35 for Two People or $49 for Three (Valued Up To $134.85) Escape to a parallel world with an hour-long virtual reality gaming experience for you and up to two buddies at VR Plus Studio in Carlton One-hour virtual reality gaming experience for one person is $19 (value $44.95) One-hour virtual reality gaming experience for two people is $35 (value $89.90) One-hour virtual reality gaming experience for three people is $49 (value $134.85) Choose from loads of exciting co-op or multi-player games including Arizona Sunshine, Hover Junkies, Serious Sam VR-The Last Hope, Space Pirate Trainer, The Thrill Fight and more Awesome location on Lygon Street, available Monday to Sunday